On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 at 09:30 Yury Selivanov <yselivanov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> FWIW I'm extremely happy with the current workflow. The recent
> improvements to @miss-islington (kudos to Mariatta!) allowing her to
> auto-backport PRs and commit them is a big time saver.
> I can only suggest a couple improvements:
> 1. Make our bots check the code style—fully enforce PEP 8, lint the
> code, and detect trailing whitespace on all lines that a PR modifies.

Guido said "no" to this from the outset.

> 2. AppVeyor and Travis are a bit slow at times.  Maybe it's possible
> to ask them to slightly increase our quotas (again).  Although usually
> this isn't a problem and CI is fast enough.

We already have a huge amount of quota from Travis and AppVeyor is no
special quota (we're just like any other open source project). Our contact
at Circle CI left the company so that option has walked away.

IOW we either have to find another CI provider who happens to be faster or
we are going to have to build our own.

> 3. It would be great if our buildbots could update the PR at blame
> when they detect a regression (I understand that this is a hard to
> implement feature...)

Possibly. This is starting to dive into Bors/Zuul-level regression
management which is more infrastructure to run, so we would have to decide
we seriously want this maintenance overhead.


> Huge thanks to the core-workflow team!
> Yury
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 8:58 PM, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> > It's been a year and 10 days since we moved to GitHub, so I figured now
> is
> > as good a time as any to ask people if they are generally happy with the
> > workflow and if there is a particular sticking point to please bring it
> up
> > on the core-workflow mailing list so we can potentially address it.
> >
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