On 12/10/2016 02:56 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Hi folks,

One of the minor irritations with running Python 3 applications in
Fedora containers is that those containers still default to the "C"
local by default - you have to force "C.UTF-8" or "en_US.UTF-8" in
order to tell Python that it should use UTF-8 for communicating with
system interfaces.

However, since 3.5, the CPython start-up sequence has treated claims
from the OS that it should use ASCII more skeptically, and enabled the
"surrogateescape" error handling by default on the standard streams.

Along similar lines, what do folks think of the idea of patching
Python 3.6 in Fedora to assume UTF-8 if it's told that it should use
ASCII to communicate with the OS? That changes the failure mode from
"interface problems happen any time you fail to configure your locale
correctly" to "interface problems happen any time you fail to
configure your locale correctly *and* your default locale uses an
encoding other than UTF-8".

That latter case then further breaks down into the following two situations:

- you use an ASCII-incompatible encoding like Shift-JIS or GB-18030,
in which case the old POSIX default of ASCII was already broken, and
the surrogateescape workaround in 3.5 probably didn't help much

- you use an ASCII-compatible encoding like koi8-r, which means the
surrogateescape workaround in 3.5 probably helped a bit, but libraries
like `click` would still have complained and refused to run

So I think doing this would be a nice usability improvement for users
of the system Python 3 installation on Fedora.

I also have an upstream motive for suggesting this, though: if we do
this in the more constrained environment of "Fedora users" and it
doesn't break the world, then that will help build a case for making
it the default upstream behaviour in Python 3.7.


Handling this is on my (and thus python-maint's) TODO list, but python 3.6, "sudo pip", and PEP 354 have higher priority for us currently. If anyone wants to go ahead, make a patch and put it on Bugzilla, or draft a Fedora Change page, please go ahead!

Petr Viktorin
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