Hi folks,

While trying to unretire python-cattrs[1], I ended up falling down a rabbit
hole of deps.

One of its optional test deps, orjson[2], requires "maturin"[3] to
build.  maturin looks like something that helps publish rust code as
python packages. I think I may have come across this before, but it's
the first time I've actually bothered to look into it. (I know nothing
about rust so I tend to steer clear of rust projects).

So, has anyone else come across this before? Has anyone looked into
packaging it?

Given my non-existent rust knowledge, I'd like to avoid
packaging/maintaining maturin if at all possible. Is there a way to not
use it perhaps (unlikely, I know)?

[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-cattrs
[2] https://pypi.org/project/orjson/
[3] https://pypi.org/project/maturin/

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | 
Time zone: Europe/London

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