On Wed, 13 Sep 2023, Miro Hrončok wrote:

On 13. 09. 23 5:03, Scott Talbert wrote:
Hi all,

Hi Scott.

First, is it possible to use this macro if the pyproject.toml isn't in the root directory of the package?  There doesn't seem to be an option to specify a path, so I tried cd'ing into a path and running it, but it seemed to run into an odd error like it was trying to include my directory as a package.

You can do this, but you MUST NOT put anything to the standard output.
E.g. if you do this:

 cd subdir

It'll work properly. However, if you do:

 cd subdir
 cd -

It will generate a dependency on something like /builddir/build/BUILD/pkg-1.2.3 because that is what `cd -` prints to standard output.
Same with pushd and popd.

The solution is to use >&2 when runnign such commands in %generate_buildrequires. For example:

 pushd pkg1 >&2
 popd >&2
 pushd pkg2 >&2
 popd >&2

Second, can %pyproject_buildrequires (and the other %pyproject_ macros) be used multiple times in a package?  I have a package that has multiple pyproject.toml files in it (but that's mostly a legacy thing, so I could probably separate them into multiple RPMs).

Yes, but %pyproject_insatll SHOULD only be used once (it will install everything, running it multiple times is redundant) and %pyproject_save_files will not work at all.

 pushd pkg1
 pushd pkg2

 # this will install both wheels:
 # we cannot use %%pyproject_save_files here
 # because mixing files from multiple wheels is not supported

Perfect, thanks Miro!

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