Hello fellow Fedorans,

As many of you know, there's an ongoing yearly effort of integrating a new Python version to Fedora taking place in Copr[0]. This time we aim to rebuild over 4000 packages and we couldn't possibly do it without you.

There have already been over 300 of bugzillas[1] created for packages that fail to build with Python 3.13.0 alphas - and, I need to add, almost 90 of them already fixed.

I'd love to thank everyone who jumped at the early bugzillas and helped drive the progress of the rebuild. We're grateful and appreciate your time and effort.

As there's the end of the year coming, various advents of... start to appear. I'd like to propose (only half-jokingly) another one: Advent of Python 3.13.

How would that work?
We publish the status of rebuild online: https://befeleme.github.io/fedora-python-rebuild-status/

Look at a package you're familiar with and has got a red or orange dot 🔴/🟠 - meaning it fails to build. On the Build failures page[2] you can find links to the package in the rebuild Copr and if there's associated bugzilla blocking the main PYTHON3.13 tracker, the link to the ticket.

What can you do?
- Fix the package (preferably upstream first)
- Let upstream know about the issue
- If you know the issue comes from Rawhide and is unrelated to Python 3.13, find (or create) a F40FTBFS ticket and set it to block PYTHON3.13 tracker too. - If you've got no clue, ping me (ksurma) or mhroncok in the Matrix channel[3], we'll be happy to cooperate in digging into the issue - If a package is gray ⚪, it means we don't have all its dependencies built yet, so we haven't tried to build it. Feel free to ignore it, but any help with unblocking the dependencies will be welcome.


For curious minds - what's currently blocking the rebuild?

The 50 most commonly needed components are:
  135 python-contourpy
  133 python-matplotlib
  100 python-multidict
   98 python-yarl
   91 python-azure-common
   85 python-aiohttp
   85 python-greenlet
   82 python-pandas
   73 python-parso
   72 python-msrest
   72 python-zmq
   70 python-jedi
   69 python-asttokens
   64 python-qt5
   64 python-stack-data
   63 ipython
   61 python-jsonpointer
   61 python-pyperclip
   61 python-jupyter-core
   57 python-jeepney
   57 python-jupyter-client
   56 python-SecretStorage
   56 python-cliff
   54 python-keyring
   52 python-markdown-it-py
   52 python-sqlalchemy
   51 python-netaddr
   51 python-stestr
   48 python-anyio
   47 python-django
   45 python-mccabe
   45 python-ipykernel
   44 python-twisted
   43 python-nbformat
   41 python-oslotest
   39 h5py
   39 python-arrow
   39 python-oslo-utils
   38 python-nbclient
   36 python-nbconvert
   32 python-jsonpatch
   32 python-oslo-config
   32 python-flake8
   31 python-keystoneauth1
   30 python-numpydoc
   29 python-rich
   29 python-oslo-serialization
   28 python-prometheus_client
   28 python-vcrpy
   27 python-isoduration

The 20 most commonly last-blocking components are (= if they're built, this amount of packages will be unblocked):
   26 python-azure-common
   24 python-qt5
   19 python-twisted
   19 python-django
   16 audit
   12 future
   12 h5py
   10 python-pandas
    8 python-cython0.29
    7 glade
    7 python-pydantic-core
    7 python-numpydoc
    7 python-furo
    6 mercurial
    6 python-flexmock
    6 python-greenlet
    5 gdb
    5 python-pycurl
    5 python-oslotest
    5 python-anyio

The 20 most commonly last-blocking small combinations of components are:
   38 python-azure-common, python-msrest
   29 python-contourpy, python-matplotlib
   24 python-aiohttp, python-multidict, python-yarl
   11 python-flake8, python-mccabe
   11 python-greenlet, python-sqlalchemy
7 poetry, python-CacheControl, python-SecretStorage, python-installer, python-jeepney, python-keyring, python-rapidfuzz
    7 pylint, python-astroid, python-mccabe
    7 python-azure-common, python-msrest, python-msrestazure
7 ipython, python-asttokens, python-ipykernel, python-jedi, python-jupyter-client, python-jupyter-core, python-parso, python-stack-data, python-zmq
    6 python-multidict, python-vcrpy, python-yarl
    6 python-cliff, python-pyperclip, python-stestr
    6 python-gevent, python-greenlet
    5 python-markdown-it-py, python-rich
5 ipython, python-asttokens, python-jedi, python-parso, python-stack-data 5 fedora-messaging, python-crochet, python-pika, python-service-identity, python-twisted
    4 gnuradio, python-pyopengl, python-pyqtgraph, python-qt5
    3 python-markdown-it-py, python-mdit-py-plugins, python-myst-parser
    3 python-aiohttp, python-multidict, python-pytest-aiohttp, python-yarl
    3 python-contourpy, python-matplotlib, python-pytest-mpl
    3 python-cliff, python-oslotest, python-pyperclip, python-stestr

[0] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/python3.13/
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&list_id=13377511&namedcmd=python313-related-open
[2] https://befeleme.github.io/fedora-python-rebuild-status/failures/
[3] https://chat.fedoraproject.org/#/room/#python:fedoraproject.org
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