On 21 August 2016 at 15:22, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There may also be a case to be made for introducing an AtomicStr type
> into Python's data model that works like a normal string, but
> *doesn't* support indexing, slicing, or iteration, and is instead an
> opaque blob of data that nevertheless supports all the other usual
> string operations. (Similar to the way that types.MappingProxyType
> lets you provide a read-only view of an otherwise mutable mapping, and
> that collections.KeysView, ValuesView and ItemsView provide different
> interfaces for a common underlying mapping)

Huh, prompted by Brendan Barnwell's comment, I just realised that a
discussion I was having with Graham Dumpleton at PyCon Australia about
getting the wrapt module (or equivalent functionality) into Python 3.7
(not 3.6 just due to the respective timelines) is actually relevant
here: given wrapt.ObjectProxy (see
http://wrapt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wrappers.html#object-proxy ) it
shouldn't actually be that difficult to write an "atomic_proxy"
implementation that wraps arbitrary container objects in a proxy that
permits most operations, but actively *prevents* them from being
treated as collections.abc.Container instances of any kind.

So if folks are looking for a way to resolve the perennial problem of
"How do I tell container processing algorithms to treat *this
particular container* as an opaque blob?" that arise most often with
strings and binary data, I'd highly recommend that as a potentially
fruitful avenue to start exploring.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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