On 13/09/2016 12:37, Nick Coghlan wrote:
On 13 September 2016 at 21:15, Rob Cliffe <rob.cli...@btinternet.com> wrote:
On 13/09/2016 04:43, Guido van Rossum wrote:
Yeah, that's exactly my point. PEP 463 gives you a shorter way to
catch an exception, so it gives you less motivation to find a way to
write your code (or define your API) that doesn't involve catching
exceptions. But APIs involving exceptions are often inferior to APIs
that don't require exception catching. (Yes, I am aware of __next__()
raising StopIteration -- but that API design usually doesn't require
you to catch it.)

You surprise me.  I thought LBYL and EAFP were both approved Python idioms,
in some cases one being better, in some cases another, choice to be made on
the merits of each case (or the author's preference).  I certainly use both
(and sometimes time both to see which is faster).
Now it sounds as if you're trying to impose a style guide on the world by
discouraging the EAFP.  And wasn't the discussion general, not about APIs
Which is preferable depends greatly on context of use, which is why
you'll find a lot of Python APIs offer both forms
My point exactly.  Random832 echoes my thoughts:

"Guido's argument here seems to be that exception-based EAFP is not

However, blindly catching *all* exceptions from a complex
subexpression is rarely the right thing to do,
Of course.
  so APIs that only offer
"this may throw exceptions during normal operation under these
circumstances" without a convenience wrapper that does the exception
handling for you can end up being a pain to work with.

PEP 463 makes those APIs less painful to deal with, but at the cost of
encouraging overly broad exception handlers.
Why? You can catch exactly the same (wide or narrow) range of exceptions in an exception-catching expression as you can in a try+except block. Of course
    result = (myList[0] except Exception: MyDefault)
is poor code (presumably it should have been written "except IndexError"), but so is
        result = myList[0]
    except Exception:
        result = MyDefault
ISTM you're giving an exception-catching dog a bad name and hanging him. Or have I missed something?

And sorry to repeat myself, but we seemed to be having a *general* discussion about null-coalescing operators, which moved on to PEP 463, then suddenly Guido is talking about APIs. A lot of the time when I'm coding, I'm not writing an API, just a program to get a job done. No doubt, exceptions should be discouraged *in APIs*, but that doesn't make exceptions, or EAFP, a bad idea per se.

I really don't mean this post to sound hostile, and I'm sorry if it comes across a bit that way. I'm just surprised at what I'm hearing, and to be honest, I have a soft spot for PEP 463.
Best wishes
Rob Cliffe
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