On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 2:20 AM Stephen J. Turnbull <
turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:

> אלעזר writes:
>  > Another use case, though I admit not the top priority of anyone here, is
>  > that of assignment checkers. In most courses I took at the university,
> the
>  > person who checks the assignments says something like "you are allowed
> to
>  > use only this this and this libraries", in order not to mess with
> unknown
>  > dependencies from tens of students (I am talking about advanced courses,
>  > where the method I use to solve the problem is unimportant or only
> requires
>  > explanation). With this statement they can simply state "you can import
>  > pip".
> In other words, you're advocating a feature that allows script writers
> to download, install, and execute arbitrary, unsandboxed code on any
> machine where the script is run.  That sounds ... *scary*, when put
> that way.  Remember, you're advocating this on behalf of people who
> by assumption are infants years below the age of consent.
> Let me understand. Your argument is "installing pip modules is unsafe, and
therefore we should make it less usable, where the appropriate amount of
(un)usability is running cmd and then `pip install unsafe`" ?
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