On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 4:14 PM Gustavo Carneiro <gjcarne...@gmail.com>

> Sorry if I missed the boat, but only just now saw this PEP.
> Glancing through the PEP, I don't see mentioned anywhere the SQL
> alternative of having a coalesce() function:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/functions-conditional.html#FUNCTIONS-COALESCE-NVL-IFNULL
> In Python, something like this:
> def coalesce(*args):
>     for arg in args:
>         if arg is not None:
>              return arg
>     return None
> Just drop it into builtins, and voila.   No need for lengthy discussions
> about which operator to use because IMHO it needs no operator.
> Sure, it's not as sexy as a fancy new operator, nor as headline grabbing,
> but it is pretty useful.
This has the downside of not being short-circuit - arguments to the
function are evaluated eagerly.

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