On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is actually a case where style guidelines would ideally differ
> between between scripting use cases ... and
> library(/framework/application) development use cases

Hmm -- interesting idea -- and I recall Guido bringing something like this
up on one of these lists not too long ago -- "scripting" use cases really
are different that "systems programming"

However, that script/library distinction isn't well-defined in
> computing instruction in general,

no it's not -- except in the case of "scripting languages" vs. "systems
languages" -- you can go back to the classic  Ousterhout paper:


But Python really is suitable for both use cases, so tricky to know how to

And my classes, at least, have folks with a broad range of use-cases in
mind, so I can't choose one way or another. And, indeed, there is no small
amount of code (and coder) that starts out as a quicky script, but ends up
embedded in a larger system down the road.

And (another and?) one of the great things ABOUT Python is that is IS
suitable for such a broad range of use-cases.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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