On 11/28/2016 08:38 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

2. After exhausting sys.path, search it again just for .missing.py files
 (or perhaps remember the location of the .missing.py file during the
 first search but don't act immediately on it -- this has the same effect).
  - Pro: allows user to install their own version.
  - Con: if the user has a matching file by accident, that file will be
 imported, causing more confusion.

I personally would weigh these so as to prefer (2). The option of installing
 your own version when the standard version doesn't exist seems reasonable;
 there may be reasons that you can't or don't want to install the distribution's

I also agree that (2) is the better option.  General Python philosophy seems to 
be to not prohibit actions unless there is a *really* good reason (i.e. 
sum()ing strings), and option (1) would require installing third-party modules 
into the stdlib to workaround the prohibition.

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