On 26.01.2017 17:11, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> The download button of https://www.python.org/ currently gives the
> choice between Python 2.7 and 3.6. I read more and more articles
> saying that we reached a point where Python 3 became more popular than
> Python 2, Python 3 has now enough new features to convince developers,
> etc.
> Is it time to "hide" Python 2.7 from the default choice and only show
> Python 3.6 *by default*?
> For example, I expect a single big [DOWNLOAD] button which would start
> the download of Python 3.6 for my platform.
> If we cannot agree on hiding Python 2 by default, maybe we can at
> least replace the big [DOWNLOAD] button of Python 2 with a smaller
> button or replace it with a link to a different download page?

-1 on hiding Python 2.7. It's our LTS release, so something
we should be proud of until it goes out of support.

+1 on emphasizing the 3.6 button and de-emphasizing 2.7, e.g.
by making the 3.6 button yellow and the 2.7 grey.

Also +1 on what Paul suggested.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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