Recently os.cpu_count() on Windows has been fixed in order to take process
groups into account and return the number of all available CPUs:
This made me realize that os.cpu_count() does not return the number of
*usable* CPUs, which could possibly represent a better default value for
things like multiprocessing and process pools.
It is currently possible to retrieve this info on UNIX with
len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) which takes CPU affinity and (I think) Linux
cgroups into account, but it's not possible to do the same on Windows which
provides this value via  GetActiveProcessorCount() API.
As such I am planning to implement this in psutil but would like to know
how python-ideas feels about adding a new os.usable_cpu_count() function
(or having os.cpu_count(usable=True)).


Giampaolo -
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