> On 2018 Mar 29 , at 11:42 a, Julia Kim <julia.hiyeon....@gmail.com> wrote:
> My suggestion is to change the syntax for creating an empty set and an empty 
> dictionary as following.
> an_empty_set = {}
> an_empty_dictionary = {:}

If you are willing to accept {:} as an empty dict, then surely {,} would 
suffice as an empty set, with no backwards compatibility issues at all.

Also, this is also not a new idea 
(https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/001286.html). I don't 
if this was never seriously considered further, or if it was formally rejected.

> Compatibility issues could be resolved with a program which takes a Python 
> program (codes) as a text and edits it.

It's not that simple. This would require changing the vast majority of Python 
scripts ever written, including code which has never and will never care about 
`set` objects. Depending on the setting would require version-control check-ins 
and probably code review. Is cleaning up a minor divergence from mathematical 
notation really worth that kind of churn?

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