On 2018-07-19 11:53, Jonathan Fine wrote:
Hi Stephan

Thank you for the extract from the GC Handbook, which I think I may have seen before. Yes, it is GOOD that it's an already known idea.

Searching for "buffered reference counting" I found
in which Larry Hastings says that C-python "plays games with reference counts" which makes implementing "buffered reference counting" harder. And he gives examples.

Larry also writes [loc cit] about resurrecting objects. I don't know what he means by this. It may be something to do with weak references. Larry's post gives some details, in which difficulties may lie. In particular, he writes
It's my contention that this API [for weak references] is simply untenable under the
Gilectomy, and that it needs to change to returning a new (strong)


When an object's refcount drops to 0, the object's __del__ method (if defined) is called, and then the object's memory can be reclaimed.

But what if the __del__ method creates a new reference to the object?

The object's refcount is no longer 0, so the object is no longer garbage.

That's called "resurrecting an object".
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