> lumberjack(15, %)
> # is equivalent to the expression
> lambda x: lumberjack(15, %)

You mean lambda x: lumberjack(15, x) ?

So you'd want a better syntax for functools.partial, here your example is
partial(lumberjack, 15).

However this syntax you allow to write lumberjack(%, 15) which is only
possible with partial using keyword arguments, like lumberjack (y=15)
(given that the second argument is called "y") and in that case I know at
least one library on pip doing the job with Ellipsis :

from funcoperators import elipartial
elipartial(lumberjack, ..., 15)
# gives lambda x: lumberjack (x, 15)

elipartial (lumberjack, ..., 15, ..., 12, ...)
# gives lambda x, y, z: lumberjack(x, 15, y, 12, z)

And the lib even provide a decorator to have that kind of syntax using "[" :

would be the same as partial(lumberjack, 15)

So, that functionality does really need new syntax.

Le jeu. 26 juil. 2018 à 14:07, Michel Desmoulin <desmoulinmic...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> I like the concept, and I several times wished I could have had a
> reference to the block of code in a `with` clause.
> However, it is unlikely to happen:
> 1 - Guido restricted lambda to one expression, and this would just be a
> way around that
> 2 - This will be tempting to use for callbacks and chaining things,
> leading to the nesting hell we tried very carefully to avoid fom other
> languages. The example for sorted is also kinda twisted.
> 3 - Most of the example (and you show it yourself with flask) are
> already possible with a more verbose syntaxe based on decorators. Example:
>     @atexit.register
>     def _():
>         print('Goodbye')
> 4 - introducing a new keyword is the hardest thing you can ever ask on
> this list.
> Le 25/07/2018 à 19:07, James Lu a écrit :
> > I'm open to any changes or criticism.
> >
> > ```
> > import atexit
> > as atexit.register:
> >     # ...do various cleanup tasks...
> >     print('Goodbye')
> >
> > # is approximately equivalent to =>
> > import atexit
> > def _():
> >     # ...do various cleanup tasks...
> >     print('Goodbye')
> > atexit.register(_)
> >
> > # flask example
> > @app.route("/")
> > def hello():
> >     return "Hello World!"
> > # is approximately equivalent to =>
> > as app.route('/'):
> >     return "Hello World!"
> >
> > @app.route('/user/<username>')
> > def show_user_profile(username):
> >     # show the user profile for that user
> >     return 'User %s' % username
> >
> > as app.route('/user/<username>') do username:
> >     return "Hello World!"
> >
> > def print_sorted(iterable, block):
> >     sorted(iterable, )
> >
> > l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 'spam']
> >
> > as l.sort(key=%) do obj:
> >     return str(obj)
> >
> > # multiple arguments
> > as spam do a, b:
> >     ...
> > ```
> > ## `%`  function call syntax
> > Calling a function with a single percent in place of an argument creates
> > a new function.
> >
> > ```
> > lumberjack(15, %)
> > # is equivalent to the expression
> > lambda x: lumberjack(15, %)
> > ```
> > Using `*` instead of `%` could also be possible.
> >
> > ```
> > import threading, time
> > def interval(seconds, block):
> >     def target():
> >         while True:
> >             time.sleep(seconds)
> >             if block():  # stop looping if block returns True
> >                 break
> >     threading.Thread(target=target).start()
> >
> > as interval(5, %):
> >    print("chirp")
> > # => chirp every 5 seconds on a seperate thread
> > as threading.Timer(5, %):
> >    print("hi")
> > # => say "hi" in 5 seconds
> > ```
> >
> > ## `^` currying function definition syntax?
> > I'm not sure this is necessary or a good idea.
> > ```
> > def interval(seconds, ^block):
> >     def target():
> >         while True:
> >             time.sleep(seconds)
> >             if block():  # stop looping if block returns True
> >                 break
> >     threading.Thread(target=target).start()
> > # is aprroximately equivalent to
> > def interval(seconds, block=None):
> >     def inner(block):
> >         def target():
> >             while True:
> >                 time.sleep(seconds)
> >                 if block():
> >                     break
> >         threading.Thread(target=target).start()
> >     if block == None:
> >         def outer(block):
> >             return inner(block)
> >     else:
> >         return inner(block)
> >
> > as interval(5):
> >     print('chirp')
> > # equivalent to
> > interval(5)(lambda: print('chirp'))
> > ```
> > ### Lazy evaluation of chained `%` calls?
> > This would allow things like:
> > ```
> > start_on_new_thread = threading.Thread(target=%).start()
> > def bong():
> >     while True:
> >         time.sleep(6*60)
> >         print('BONG')
> > start_on_new_thread(bong)
> > # alternatively
> > as start_on_new_thread:
> >     while True:
> >         time.sleep(6*60)
> >         print('BONG')
> > ```
> >
> > ## As-do statements in classes
> > ```
> > class M():
> >      def __init__(self):
> >          self.time = 5
> >      as interval(self.time, %):
> >          print('chirp')
> > ```
> >
> > I'm not sure if this should be valid, and I'd like the community's input
> > on when as-do statements should be bound when as-do.
> >
> > ## Proposed Type Hinting Syntax
> > ```
> > as app.route('/user/<username>') do (username: str):
> >     return "Hello World!"
> > ```
> >
> > Alternatives:
> > ```
> > as app.route('/user/<username>') do username: str%
> >     return "Hello World!"
> > # like objective-c
> > as app.route('/user/<username>') do username: str^
> >     return "Hello World!"
> > # like coffeescript
> > as app.route('/user/<username>') do username: str ->
> >     return "Hello World!"
> > ```
> >
> > I’m not totally sure of practical uses, but I’m imagining it would make
> > passing a function to another function much more convenient. In React,
> > you pass an argument called `render` to a `FlatList`, and `render`
> > renders an item of the list. `FlatList` is a scrollable list that
> > handles unloading off-screen items and loading items that will appear in
> > the scroll box soon.
> >
> >
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