On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Abe Dillon <abedil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [Chris Angelico]
>> > I've also argued that the very form of lambda expressions is noisier
>> > than it
>> > otherwise needs to be. It's not like noise is only distracting to novice
>> > developers.
>> Yes, you've asserted it. We've disputed it. You have yet to provide
>> real evidence.
> Why isn't my example comparing the pseudo code:
> hand = sorted(cards, by=card.suit)
> to the actual code:
> hand = sorted(cards, key=lambda card: card.suit)
> suitable to at least demonstrate the basic idea?

Because your form cannot possibly work without some additional
information. How is "by=card.suit" supposed to ACTUALLY WORK? As soon
as you make it work, you create extra noise all of your own - yaknow,
like saying that "card" is a parameter to the function. So maybe it
ain't just noise.

I'm done arguing. You aren't listening.

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