> it reads fine precisely because the variables names match with the signature 
> of new_file(). But if new_file() is changed they won't match up anymore and 
> it will still read fine and look ok, but now the parameters don't line up and 
> it's broken in potentially very subtle ways. For example if content_type and 
> file_name switch places. Those are the same time but the consequences for the 
> mixup are fairly large and potentially very annoying to track down. 
> Do you disagree on this point?
> The mixup you describe would probably cause an immediate error as the 
> filename would not be a valid content type. I suspect it'd be easy to track 
> down.

So no you don't agree?

> Keyword arguments are especially important when the type and value of two 
> arguments are hard to distinguish, like a height and width. If one is an int 
> and the other is a str, or if it must be a str with only a handful of valid 
> values, I'm not so worried about making mistakes.
> Further, I think it's reasonable to use keyword arguments [...]

...now I'm confused. Now it sounds like you do agree? 

> [...] here and no more "painful" than the use of positional arguments in this 
> case. Both are annoyingly verbose.

That's a bit of a dodge. There is a huge difference in verbosity between 

handler.new_file(field_name, file_name, content_type, content_length, charset, 


handler.new_file(field_name=field_name, file_name=file_name, 
content_type=content_type, content_length=content_length, charset=charset, 

and it's pretty obvious when it's spelled out. Now compare to my two suggested 

handler.new_file(*, field_name, file_name, content_type, content_length, 
charset, content_type_extra)
handler.new_file(=field_name, =file_name, =content_type, =content_length, 
=charset, =content_type_extra)

>  I'd prefer refactoring the new_file method, but I didn't spot where it's 
> defined.

People keep saying that, but I don't buy it. Refactoring isn't magic, it won't 
just make the data required to a function go away. 

I've been pressed to get hard numbers, I have. I've been pressed to come up 
with actual examples, I have. Now when I have a point you're just waving your 
hand and saying "refactoring". I don't think that's an actual argument.

/ Anders
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