On 11/03/2019 12:17, Jonathan Fine wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Some weeks ago, you started a discussion here about "Clearer
Communication". Here's another suggestion to help: don't expect your
readers to either guess, or infer from the code, what your proposal
means. As the Zen of Python says:

Explicit is better than implicit.

For me, the canonical guidelines for the use of this list are

[1] http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
Summary: Open, Considerate, Respectful

May I suggest that hijacking a thread to discuss something unrelated at length is neither considerate nor respectful?

The system puts the first two URLs at the foot of every email it sends
out. It might help if it also added

I'll suggest that to the forum moderators.

That makes it sound like we're all core developers, which would be a considerable discouragement to discussion. I would expect that the core devs actually know this already, and reminding them at every turn is rather insulting.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

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