On 4/8/19 6:25 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 08, 2019 at 02:55:54AM -0700, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

>> If only we had some kind of API that could compute multiple quantiles at
>> the same time...
> You mean something like this?
> quartiles, quintiles, deciles, percentiles = quantiles(data, n=(4, 5, 10, 100))
> Yuck :-)
> I'd rather allow an already_sorted=True parameter :-)

I'd rather have a separate function.  I can't think of a good name for
it right now, but it'd be just like quantiles, except that you'd pass it
a sorted list.  Conceptually, it'd fit in like this:

    def quantiles(data, n):
        if isinstance(data, list): # or some other appropriate test
            sorted_data = sorted(data)
            sorted_data = data
        quantiles_of_sorted_data(sorted_data, n)

    def quantiles_of_sorted_data(sorted_data, n):
        ...actual quantiles functionality here...

Properly constructed programs that would have called quantiles
repeatedly can call quantiles_of_sorted_data repeatedly instead.  The
ability to shoot a foot remains unchanged.
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