Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > Of course it is enough to presume that if they come from different 
 > modules, they are probably different unless proven otherwise.

That mere presumption is not helpful because YOLO.  Most of us have
limited time, and that includes doc-reading time.

 > As I have shown (perhaps you stopped reading and didn't bother
 > reading through the rest of my post) it is not uncommon for
 > different namespaces to define radically different functions with
 > the same name.

I read the whole post, as I always do for your posts.

 > I don't think you have understood the issue here. Perhaps you 
 > should re-read the original post in the thread.

The issue I'm responding to is your attitude, which is amply displayed
here as well.  So let me rephrase.

 > We're just bike-shedding over its spelling and where it lives[.]

And the color of the bikeshed turns on the connotations of the name.
You (like me) spend a lot of effort on documentation and precise
semantics.  IME most developers do not spend nearly as much.  And even
for me, even if I recognize vaguely that shutils.symlink and
os.symlink are different, I'm unlikely to know which has the semantics
I need or even that the difference is relevant to me, unless I'm
looking for it specifically.  Serge's concern is valid, but perhaps
not the most important.  Even if it's not, your answer to Anders was
much better (even if perhaps a bit sarcastic):

Steven D'Aprano writes:
 > On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 08:23:34PM +0200, Anders Hovmöller wrote:

 > > And if you "from x import y" the call site is identical for the
 > > two different functions. This is just asking for trouble.

 > Clearly your threshhold for "trouble" is a lot more sensitive than
 > mine.

Whose threshold is closest to *the rest of the Python community* is
the relevant consideration, and an empirical question.  My guess is
that Serge and Anders are closer to it than you and I are.

Whether I'm right about that or not, I am now asking you to show more
respect for that diversity in the way you phrase responses.


Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science     Faculty of Systems and Information
Email:                   University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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