> On 16 May 2019, at 08:50, Serhiy Storchaka <storch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 16.05.19 08:46, Anders Hovmöller пише:
>> In the general case because of features that until / was introduced was 
>> unique to functions defined in C. But in the case of the dict constructor 
>> that's just a weird misfeature. If it did in fact take *args and handled it 
>> it would be perfectly fine and useful. It would have meant people wouldn't 
>> have written all those merge() utility functions over the years. And it 
>> would make dict(a, b) valid syntax instead of the current overly verbose 
>> dict(**a, **b).
>> For / to be a good idea one needs a strong argument for why a function must 
>> exist that tales a bounded amount of arguments (ie not *args) where calling 
>> it with the parameters named would be a bad thing. There are certainly cases 
>> where the names don't add much, like most functions with one argument but 
>> that is a different thing.
> The dict constructor is just one example. There are around 60 Python 
> functions in the stdlib which will benefit from adding support of 
> positional-only arguments. Look at 
> https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/12620.
> Writing the code that parses args is errorprone and inefficient.
> There are also other rationales of PEP 570.

I've read it. It is unconvincing to me. 

/ Anders 
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