On 5/24/2019 8:50 AM, Yanghao Hua wrote:

for instance,

I explained already but here again: you will need to have "this_signal
<<= (that_signal << 4) + something, and next line you should be able
to write this_signal <<= 4 bit, where all arithmetic operation still
have to be kept. Otherwise it makes signal doesn't look like a value
... it needs to be looking like a integer but with a different
assignment behavior. In hardware design domain a signal is just a
value but with its own assignment behavior involving delta-cycles (a
virtual time step increase of the value zero ... I know it is a bit
confusing to SW developers). So the intention is to keep all
arithmetic ops like a int, but only changing how the assignment is

What I understand is that you are doing discrete-time hardware simulation and that you need a operator that will schedule future assigments to int-like objects. Have you considered using '@' to do that? int @ int-expression is currently invalid, so defining it will not interfere with other int operations. What am I not understanding?

Terry Jan Reedy

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