In various different ways, also:

Just a few I've seen before. Xonsh is pretty cool also.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019, 9:55 PM Christopher Barker <>

> On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 6:53 AM David Mertz <> wrote:
>> Something very similar to this had been done many times in third party
>> libraries.
> Check out Xonch for example:
> -CHB
>> None of those have become hugely popular, including none quite compelling
>> me personally to do more than try them out as toys.
>> It's too bad, in a way, since I love bash and use it all the time when it
>> seems easier than Python.
>> Your library is 100% certainly not going to become part of the standard
>> library unless it can first become popular as a third party tool. If it
>> does become popular that way, I wouldn't put it's odds of eventual soon to
>> the standard library as higher than 5-10%. But that doesn't really matter,
>> widespread use his 'pip install' world be a good thing in itself.
>> On Sat, Aug 10, 2019, 7:52 AM Thiago Padilha <>
>> wrote:
>>> Python is often used a shell scripting language due to it being more
>>> robust than traditional Unix shells for managing complex programs, but
>>> it is significantly more verbose than Bash & friends for doing common
>>> shell scripting tasks such as writing pipelines and redirection .
>>> I propose adding an idiomatic shell scripting API that uses Python
>>> operator overloading in a way that allows invoking commands in a
>>> Bash-like way.
>>> A fully working implementation (which I've been using in my personal
>>> scripts) can be found at Here
>>> I will describe the basics of the API, more details in the github
>>> README.rst (which is also a doctest for the project).
>>> Here's how one can create commands:
>>>     >>> from shell import Shell
>>>     >>> sh = Shell()
>>>     >>> cat = sh('cat')
>>>     >>> ls = sh('ls')
>>>     >>> sort = sh('sort')
>>>     # or something like this:
>>>     >>> cat, ls, sort = sh('cat', 'ls', 'sort')
>>> The Shell class is the entry point of the API and it is used as a
>>> factory for Command objects. For convenience we can add a builtin
>>> Shell instance which is a also module from where commands can be
>>> quickly imported from (idea taken from
>>>     >>> from import cat, ls, sort
>>> We can construct more complex commands by calling it with certain
>>> arguments:
>>>     >>> ls('-l', '-a', env={'LANG': 'C.UTF-8'})
>>> And we can invoke the command by calling it without arguments:
>>>     >>> ls()
>>>     # or
>>>     >>> ls('-l', '-a', env={'LANG': 'C.UTF-8'})()
>>> Invoking the command returns a tuple with the status code:
>>>     >>> ls()
>>>     (0,)
>>> The are more ways to invoke a command other than calling it without
>>> arguments. One such example is by iterating through it, which
>>> automatically takes care of piping the output back to python:
>>>     >>> files = []
>>>     >>> for line in ls:
>>>     ...     files.append(line)
>>> Pipelines can be easily created with the `|` operator:
>>>     >>> ls = ls('--hide=*.txt', env={'LANG': 'C.UTF-8'})
>>>     >>> sort = sort('--reverse')
>>>     >>> ls | sort
>>>     ls --hide=*.txt (env={'LANG': 'C.UTF-8'}) | sort --reverse
>>> Everything that can be done with Command objects, can also be done
>>> with Pipeline objects:
>>>     >>> (ls | sort)()
>>>     (0, 0)  # single commands return a tuple to make the return value
>>> compatible with Pipelines
>>>     >>> list(ls | sort)
>>>     [u'tests', u'setup.cfg', u'pytest.ini', u'bin', u'README.rst']
>>> We also use the Pipeline syntax for redirecting input/output.
>>>     # piping to a filename string redirects output to the file
>>>     >>> (ls | sort | '.stdout')()
>>>     (0, 0)
>>>     >>> str(cat('.stdout'))
>>>     'tests\nsetup.cfg\npytest.ini\nbin\nREADME.rst\n'
>>>     # piping from a filename string redirects input from the file
>>>     >>> str('setup.cfg' | cat)
>>>     '[metadata]\ndescription-file =
>>> README.rst\n\n[bdist_wheel]\nuniversal=1\n'
>>> This is the basic idea. The current implementation only supports the
>>> classic subprocess API, but I can probably make it compatible with
>>> asyncio (to create async shells which spawns commands compatible with
>>> `await`).
>>> Thoughts? Is it worth writing a PEP for this?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Thiago.
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> Christopher Barker, PhD
> Python Language Consulting
>   - Teaching
>   - Scientific Software Development
>   - Desktop GUI and Web Development
>   - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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