On Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 09:47:56AM -0700, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2019, at 06:23, Richard Musil <risa20...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Where *virtual* is a hyperlink to an ABC definition.
> > 
> > `issubclass` will be fine without virtual and I am not sure why 
> > virtual has been added to it
> Virtual subclassing is key to the way ABCs work.

Virtual subclassing is the key to the way ABCs work *in Python*, which 
means we could have designed them differently had we chosen to.

In Python, ABCs combine the notions of *abstract* classes with virtual 
subclassing via registration. But we could have made them more like 
"abstract" in C++ and C# and required actual inheritence.

In fact, Python ABCs also include the notion of *interface testing* 
and mixins so they really conflate FIVE orthogonal but related concepts 
into one:

- the notion of abstract classes (which cannot be instantiated) and
  abstract methods (which must be overridden);

- mixins for default implementations of certain common operations;

- inheritence and nominal subtyping, where one class is included in 
  the MRO of another class;

- virtual subclassing using registration;

- and protocol or interface testing (duck typing).

Aside from the first two, they involve three independent notions of 

- if I inherit from a duck, I am a duck;

- if I say I am a duck, I am a duck;

- if I quack like a duck and swim like a duck, I am a duck;

and being independent, we can construct examples where they conflict.

If I inherit from a duck, but say I'm a goose, and honk rather than 
quack, what am I?

I don't wish to get into a debate over whether Python's design is good, 
bad or indifferent. Whatever the reasons, ABCs as defined in the abc and 
collections.abc modules are what we have to live with, and I'm not 
proposing any change to that. Nor am I proposing the addition of a dozen 
new ABCs.

If anyone wants to redesign Python's ABCs and interface-testing, please 
write a PEP and don't hijack this thread :-)

All I'm proposing is one tiny but useful change, the addition of a 
single ABC for testing whether or not an object quacks like something 
subscriptable, akin to five existing ABCs:

- Callable tests for __call__
- Container tests for __contains__
- Hashable tests for __hash__
- Iterable tests for __iter__
- Sized tests for __len__

Nor am I proposing to change the way we test for these dunder methods. 
The current implementation tests for the existence of an *attribute* of 
that name on the class or a superclass, whether it is callable or not, 
so long as it is not None. That is a private implementation detail of 
the collections.abc module.

If anyone wants to change the implemention of that test, please start a 
new thread and don't hijack this one :-)

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