On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 04:11:45PM -0400, Todd wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 3:54 PM Steve Jorgensen <ste...@stevej.name> wrote:
> > See
> > https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming/Syntax/Literals#The_%_Notation
> > for what Ruby offers.
> >
> > For me, the arrays are the most useful aspect.
> >
> >     %w{one two three}
> >     => ["one", "two", "three"]

I would expect %w{ ... } to return a set, not a list:

    %w[ ... ]  # list
    %w{ ... ]  # set
    %w( ... )  # tuple

and I would describe them as list/set/tuple "word literals". Unlike 
list etc displays [spam, eggs, cheese] these would actually be true 
literals that can be determined entirely at compile-time.

> I am not seeing the advantage of this.  Can you provide some specific
> examples that you think would benefit from this syntax?

I would use this feature, or something like it, a lot, especially in 
doctests where there is a premium in being able to keep examples short 
and on one line.

Here is a small selection of examples from my code that would be 
improved by something like the suggested syntax. I have trimmed some of 
them for brevity, and to keep them on one line. (Anything with an 
ellipsis ... has been trimmed.) I have dozens more, but they'll all 
pretty similar and I don't want to bore you.

    __slots__ = ('key', 'value', 'prev', 'next', 'count')

    __all__ = ["Mode_Estimators", "Location", "mfv", ...]

The "string literal".split() idiom is especially common, especially for 
data tables of strings. Here are some examples:

    NUMBERS = ('zero one two three ... twenty-eight twenty-nine').split()

    _TOKENS = set("indent assign addassign subassign ...".split())

    __all__ = 'loopup loopdown reduce whileloop recursive product'.split()

    for i, colour in enumerate('Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan 

    for methodname in 'pow add sub mul truediv'.split():

    attrs = "__doc__  __version__  __date__  __author__  __all__".split()

    names = 'meta private dunder ignorecase invert'.split()

    unsorted = "The quick brown Fox jumps over the lazy Dog".split()

    blocks = chaff.pad('flee to south'.split(), key='george')

    minmax('aa bbbb c ddd eeeee f ggggg'.split(), key=len)

My estimate is that I would use this "string literal".split() idiom:

- about 60-70% in doctests;
- about 5-10% in other tests;
- about 25% in non-test code.

Anyone who has had to write out a large, or even not-so-large, list of 
words could benefit from this. Why quote each word individually like a 
drudge, when the compiler could do it for you at compile-time?

Specifically as a convenience for this "list of words" use-case, 
namedtuple splits a single string into words, e.g.

    namedtuple('Parameter', 'name alias default')

I do the same in some of my functions as well, to make it easier to pass 
lists of words.

Similarly, support for keyword arguments in the dict constructor was 
specifically added to ease the case where your keys were single words:

    # {'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2}
    dict(spam=1, eggs=2)

Don't underestimate the annoyance factor of having to write out things 
by hand when the compiler could do it for you. Analogy: we have list 
displays to make it easy to construct a list:

    mylist = [2, 7, -1]

but that's strictly unnecessary, since we could construct it like 

    mylist = list()

If you think I'm being fascious about the list example, you've probably 
never used standard Pascal, which had arrays but no syntax to initialise 
them except via a sequence of assignments. That wasn't too bad if you 
could put the assignments in a loop, but was painful if the initial 
entries were strings or floats.

> For the example you gave, besides saving a few characters I don't see the
> advantage over the existing way we have to do that:
> 'one two three'.split()

One of the reasons why Python is "slow" is that lots of things that can 
be done at compile-time are deferred to run-time. I doubt that splitting 
short strings will often be a bottle-neck, but idioms like this cannot 
help to contribute (even if only a little bit) to the extra work the 
Python interpreter does at run-time:

    load a pre-allocated string constant
    look up the "split" attribute in the instance (not found)
    look up the "split" attribute in the class
    call the descriptor protocol which returns a method
    call the method
    build and return a list
    garbage collect the string constant


    build and return a list from pre-allocated strings

(Or something like this, I'm not really an expert on the Python 
internals, I just pretend to know what I'm talking about.)

> Python usually uses [ ] for list creation or indexing.  Co-opting it for a
> substantially different purpose of string processing like this doesn't
> strike me as a good idea, especially since we have two string identifiers
> already, ' and ".

I'm not sure why you describe this as "string processing". The result 
you get is a list, not a string. This would be pure syntactic sugar for:

    %w[words]  # "words".split()
    %w{words}  # set("words".split())
    %w(words)  # tuple("words".split())

except done by the compiler, at compile-time, not runtime.

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