Hi folks,

I have a few decades of experience with software engineering using assembler, C, FORTRAN, Pascal, Ada and a fair number of other languages. I've been using Python as well for a number of years now.

Both Pascal and Ada have "end" statements, which make the code (at least for me :-) ) a lot more readable and maintainable, especially if the code within if/while/for statements gets longer and nested deeper. These statements exist in these languages for a good reason.

I had a look in the archives to see if someone else already proposed this but couldn't find anything, so here goes.

Please let me know whether you think this idea is worth to convert to a PEP.



To include optional "end if", "end while", "end for" and "end <function name>", "end <class name>" in the language. The Python interpreter would test that any "end" matches with the correct corresponding statements and have the correct indentation, in other words throw an error if you would write "end if" where an "end while" should be. This will be a great help preventing errors with procedural logic, that I now have to painstakingly debug at runtime, especially after moving bits of code around.

Python editors would ideally highlight "if" and "end if" just like they now highlight "if". By default different colors could be picked for "if" and "end if", "while" and "end while" etc.

All this is completely optional of course, so it won't break any existing code.

- better readability and maintainability
- help prevent procedural logic mistakes
- editors could use this for improved highlighting of code

- none :-) it's optional, just like the typing that was introduced in Python 3

Code example:

def func (i: int, j: int, k: int) -> None:
    if (i == 3):
        while (i < 15):
            i += 1
            if (k == 8):
                lots of other code (think a page or more)
                lots of other code
        here is more code <- to which if or while does this belong?
        and a bit more

further code

The code could be rewritten like this:

def func (i: int, j: int, k: int) -> None:
    if (i == 3):
        while (i < 15):
            i += 1
            if (k == 8):
                lots of other code (think a page or more)
                lots of other code
            end if
        end while (writing "end if" would throw an error at parse time)
        here is more code
        and a bit more
    end if
end func

further code

Looking forward to your feedback!


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