> On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 16:33 Juancarlo Añez <juancarlo.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
is troublesome.
>> The proposed implementation of a findfirst() would handle many common cases, 
>> and be friendly to newcomers (why do I need to deal with a Match object?), 
>> specially if the semantics are those of findall():
>>      next(iter(findall(...)), default=default)
>> BTW, a common function in extensions to itertools is first():
>>     def first(seq, default=None):
>>         return next(iter(seq), default= default)
>> That function, first(), would also be a nice addition in itertools, and 
>> findfirst() could be implemented using it. first() avoids most use cases 
>> needing to check if a sequence or iterator is empty before using a default 
>> value. MHO is that first() deals with so many common cases that it should be 
>> a builtin.

I agree that there should be a builtin like first but to be clear it
should not raise StopIteration if the iterator turns out to be empty.
Probably it should raise ValueError analogous to

>>> a, *_ = []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0)

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