> On 9 Dec 2019, at 18:31, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas 
> <python-ideas@python.org> wrote:
> On Dec 8, 2019, at 22:01, Tim Peters <tim.pet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> BTW, another change I'd make is to break the tradition of coding every
>> itertools function in C.  That makes the implementation bar much
>> higher, and the other similar packages (more_itertools,
>> toolz.itertools) don't bother.  There's also that pypy has trouble
>> optimizing code using itertools heavily, _because_ it's written in C
>> instead of Python.
> Didn’t PyPy already make the fix years ago of rewriting all of itertools (for 
> both 2.7 and 3.3 or whenever) as “Python builtins” in the underlying 
> namespace?
> Also, even if I’m remembering wrong, just writing a Python module in front of 
> the C module, with most of the functions still being C-only, wouldn’t help 
> PyPy. You’d still need to port every function to Python (and be aware that 
> the “equivalent code” in the help is usually only a rough equivalent with 
> subtle differences, so you’d have to spot, fix, and write unit tests for all 
> of those), with the C only an optional accelerator, a la PEP 399 (the 
> requirements for C accelerators in newly-added modules).
> Which is far from impossible, it’s just more work than it seems like anyone’s 
> ever been willing to do each time it comes up (and you’re right, it comes up 
> every time a new potentially useful itertools tool is proposed…). If someone 
> cares about first enough to finally do that, I’m +1 on the proposal instead 
> of 0.

This is a perfect case for mutation testing! 

Just pip install mutmut; mutmut run. 

I'm willing to do the test suite if there's a python implementation. 
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