On 12/28/19 8:40 PM, David Mertz wrote:
This is sophistry. NaN is an instance of the abstract type numbers.Number and the concrete type float. IEEE-754 defines NaN as collection of required values in any floating point type.

I know the acronym suggests otherwise in a too-cute way, but NaN is archetypically a number in a computer science sense (but not in a pure math way, of course).

Likewise, YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a markup language. And GNU (GNU's Not Unix) is a Unix system.

NaN may be an instance of the abstract type Number, but is isn't a mathematical number. It exists as that because it is a value of the type float (and then adopted in some others). It is a floating point value because in the Field of the Real Numbers, and the approximation made in the floating point types, not all operations are closed under the full domain of values, and because a computer hardware system needs to produce SOME answer, the standard defined a value (or actually a set of values) to represent these Non-Number answers. Yes, NaN really is a value that represents Not A Number.

Note, that the statistics module doesn't say it works with Numbers, but with numeric data.

Also, YAML is NOT a markup language, but a data serialization format. It in fact started as Yet Another Markup Language, but when they realized that what they were designing wasn't really a mark up language, but a data based (not document formatting) language they change it to be more descriptive.

Also GNU isn't Unix, as Unix is a trademarked name for a specific set of operating systems. GNU produced Linux, which is a mostly work-alike operating system. Its sort of like saying Scotties isn't a Kleenex (Both brands of facial tissues).


Richard Damon
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