Even apart from the long time delay, it seems clear that the Django
developers rejected 'raise from' for design reasons. That might be right or
wrong as a decision, but it's a separate project from Python itself.

Nothing in the issue even hints that they would have accepted it *if only*
the spelling were a few characters shorter.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2020, 12:43 PM Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas <
python-ideas@python.org> wrote:

> On Feb 7, 2020, at 06:32, Ram Rachum <r...@rachum.com> wrote:
> It's possible that introducing the simpler `raise as` would increase
> adoption and make users pay attention to the message between exception
> tracebacks.
> From the Django thread that you linked, when you asked whether they’d use
> it, the reply was:
> Maybe... it's still more verbose for no gain as I see it.
> I think the default implicit chaining is correct in the default case. It's
> only if you want to adjust that (or suppress is with `from None`) that the
> extra clause comes in handy. I think using the default unless there's a
> reason not to is, in general, a good policy.
> And everyone else commenting on the thread seems to be agreeing with
> Carlton.
> So it sounds like they’re probably not going to use the new syntax even if
> you get this feature into Python. And that raises the question of who
> _would_ use it. If this syntax is needed anywhere, it’s in a deep framework
> that puts multiple levels of wrapping around complex things; Django seems
> like the ideal use for it if anything is.
> And of course even if you did convince them, they wouldn’t start using it
> for Django 3.0 or 3.1, which have to run on Python 3.6+ and can’t suddenly
> start requiring a version of Python that’s not even in alpha yet. It looks
> like it would probably be about 3 years after Python 3.9 or 3.10 (or
> whenever you get this feature in) before you could change the next minor
> Django version after that. (Unless you can convince them that this new
> feature is not only worth using, but so compelling that it’s worth being
> much more aggressive than usual in requiring the latest Python, which
> doesn’t seem all that likely.)
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