On Feb 7, 2020, at 12:43, Ram Rachum <r...@rachum.com> wrote:
> I would like to raise a sort-of ultimatum to everyone in this thread.

Is that a raise from Django or a raise as? :)

> As far as I know, the `raise foo from bar` syntax, and the distinction 
> between the two exception-chaining messages, didn't really catch on.

I’m not sure that’s true. I think it’s just that the number of cases where the 
distinction between implicit and explicit chaining matters isn’t very large.

In cases where it doesn’t matter, no matter what the default is or how the 
alternative is spelled, people are going to use the default.

In cases where it does matter, people are going to make the distinction whether 
it takes three characters or seven. There just aren’t that many of them.

Are there cases where it kinda matters but is no big deal, so it’s borderline, 
and it’s on exactly the right part of the borderline where three vs. seven 
characters would push it over the edge for any given developer? Maybe, but I 
doubt enough such cases to change things.

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