On 24/02/2020 00:59, Brendan Barnwell wrote:
On 2020-02-23 16:32, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 > Assuming that the reader is familiar with the example `Lottery ~
 > Literacy + Wealth + Region` is *not* going to work. I have literally no
 > idea from what field that is taken or what the purpose of the example
 > is. Please don't expect that I can just Google it: I did, found
 > https://www.statsmodels.org/stable/example_formulas.html, and I still
 > have no idea what it's about.

    Sorry, perhaps I should have given a bit more explanation.  As I said, "~" means "depends on".  So in R, you do something like:

model = some_statistical_model_function(Lottery ~ Literacy + Wealth + Region, some_data_table)

[snippety snip]

    It's also worth noting that the tilde here isn't notation for any of the work that the statistical model does.  It's just a way of writing a "formula" that relates the independent and dependent variables, but you still have to pass that formula to some function that actually runs the model.

    All that said, given that we can already achieve the desired precedence with parentheses, I'll reiterate that I don't think the tilde is a real blocker to doing this kind of model specification with Python expressions, so I don't think I'm in favor of this proposal as it is.

This seems a lot like trying to shoehorn something in so one can write idiomatic R in Python. That on the whole sounds like a bad idea; a friend of mine use to say he could write FORTRAN in any language but no one else could read it. Wouldn't it be more pythonic (or more accurately anything-other-than-R-ic) to use an interface that was more like

model = model_fn(prediction, seq_of_predictors, data_table)

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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