On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 6:19 PM Oleg Broytman <p...@phdru.name> wrote:

> IMO the issue is in not following the best practices. Distribute wheels
> or freezed binaries, not just drop scripts unto users.

This is a good point, though I’m not sure the best solution. Frozen
Binaries (py2exe, PyInstaller) are a good solution if you have one or two
applications. But if you have a a whole bunch of small scripts, then each
one would have a full copy of Python -- not ideal.

So what about wheels? That may be a good way to go. wheels are a complete
package bundled up that can be installed into the Python environment. And
that can include scripts. So you should be able to install a wheel into the
correct Python, and then have access to scripts. The trick is that the user
needs to know how to install that wheel, and they need to install it into
the "right" python. `pip install the_wheel` is only going to work if its
the right pip. and `python -m pip install the_wheel` has all the same
problems that the OP's concerned about here. However, that is a one-time
issue -- you get your users to install the wheel correctly, and then they
have access to the script without anything special from there. And you
could probably make an installer that would install it in the right place
automatically (I know that back in the day, we were looking at associating
an app with wheels on the Mac, so they could be point and clicked on and
get installed -- one could do that for Windows, yes?

But back to the OP's issue: Python can be considered a "scripting"
language, and it IS useful when used that way, for smaller utilities that
don't have a lot of dependencies, etc. And it is nice to be able to
just drop a script somewhere and run it. And that works well on *nix
systems -- just set the #! line and away you go.

But in a cross platform environment, there are two key problems:

1) Windows works differently than *nix, but at a fundamental level (no #!
line, different handling of PATH) and on a conventional level -- there
simply isn't the same isn't the same culture of command line use.

Given (1) Python had to do something differently on Windows than *nix (and
the Mac, though that's converged more now), which brings us to problem (2)

2) The Python community came up with solutions for each platform that made
sense for that platform: the conventions for *nix, and the py.exe launcher
for Windows. But there was little effort made to make the user experience
the SAME on all platforms. Personally, I think that's a shame, as Brett
pointed out, there's no reason you couldn't have a "py" launcher on *nix,
and there's no reason you couldn't have a "python3" alias on Windows

Whether that would be a good idea is debatable, the platforms are
different, the user base is different: could *nix users use a py launcher
anyway? Would Windows users want to put "python3" on their PATH? (or know
how to?).

There was a pretty involved discussion about this about a year ago (?) --
which I think led to Brett deciding to give a py launcher for *nix a
chance. I *think* it was on python-dev. But interested parties should go
look for it.

There is also the problem that as time has gone no, PEP 394 (
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/) was created in 2011 -- the
python world has changed: there are more systems with only Python3, and
there are various virtual environment systems, like conda, that manage the
entire environment, so there's a whole new way to manage which Python
version to use. (though conda, at least, does provide a "python3" command
-- I wonder if it does on Windows?) So I'm not sure the PEP 394.

But back to the OP's problem: what to do now? My suggestions for options:

1) Have a "standard" python install for your users, and use wheels to
distribute your scripts. That actually has the advantage that you can put a
library in there, and multiple scripts, and all sorts of nifty stuff. It
might be nicer to bundle up related scripts anyway.
 - wheels can be tagged with Python version, so it can't be installed into
the wrong one.

2) Provide clear instructions for users: and they WILL be different on
Windows and *nix.
  - I got the impression that one problem was finger memory for users of
multiple OSs -- I have this problem, too. In that case, you could also make
a copy of py.exe. and name it python3.exe -- problem solved :-)
 (now that i think about it, is there any reason cPython couldn't' install
a set of aliases (or copies, or links, or) to the py launcher called
"python" and "python3" ?

3) In scripts that can only be run in Python3, have a little check at the
top that makes sure it's being run in Python3, and give a meaningful
message if it's not:

 if sys.version_info.major != 3:
    print("You are not running the correct version of Python: please
install Python3,"
          "and run this script with:\n"

That leaves open the Python-ideas part of this: should the standard Python
installers do anything different than they do?


> > His issue is that "python" means different
> > things on different machines and different users.
> This part is not solvable. Python **means** different things on
> different machines and different users.
> > --
> > Steven
> Oleg.
> --
>     Oleg Broytman            https://phdru.name/            p...@phdru.name
>            Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
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Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
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  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
Christopher Barker, PhD

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  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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