On Apr 7, 2020, at 22:58, Stephen J. Turnbull 
<turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
> BTW, although obviously I don't like the idea much, I think
>    except BaseException as result with f:
> reads better than the original suggestion:
>    except BaseException with f as result:
> in the event this idea gets some takeup.

I don’t like the idea either; but I think I like your version even less.

It reads perfectly well, but with the wrong meaning. Even though I know what 
you’re intending, I can’t make myself read that as result getting bound to what 
f returns, only as result getting bound to the exception.

The original version, by contrast, is weird and confusing as English (and 
unnecessary, since you could do the exact same thing with a normal except 
clause and result=f(esc) instead of pass as the body…) but clearly result is 
getting bound to something to do with f.

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