On Apr 7, 2020, at 18:10, Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *That* should read as "are not sufficient".
> Stuffing all of those into annotations is going to be cumbersome; resulting 
> in there being multiple schema definitions to keep synchronized and validate 
> data according to.
> I think generating some amalgamation of JSONLD @context & SHACL and JSON 
> schema would be an interesting exercise. You'd certainly want to add more 
> information to the generated schema than just the corresponding Python types :
> - type URI(s) that correspond to the Python primitive types
> - JSON schema format strings
> - JSON schema length
> - TODO JSON schema [...]

Not everything in the world has to be built around RDF semantic triples. In 
fact, most things don’t have to be. That’s why are a lot more things out there 
using plain old JSON Schema for their APIs and formats than using JSON-LD. And 
even more things just using free form JSON.

And for either of those, type annotations are sufficient. You can serialize any 
instance of Spam to JSON, and deserialize JSON (that you know represents a 
Spam) to an equal Spam instance, as long as you know what the name and type of 
every attribute of Spam is (and all of those types are number/string/book/null, 
types that match the same qualifications as Spam, lists of such a type, and 
dicts mapping str to such a type). Which is guaranteed to be knowable for 
dataclasses even without any external information. Or any classes with a 
(correct) accompanying schema. Or just any classes you design around such a 
serialization system.

The fact that you don’t have, e.g., a URI with metadata about Spam doesn’t in 
any way stop any of that from working, or being useful. Type annotations are 
sufficient for this purpose.

In fact, even type annotations aren’t necessary. Any value that can pickle, you 
can just msg=json.dumps(b64_encode(pickle.dumps(obj)))) and 
obj=pickle.loads(b64_decode(json.loads(msg)))) and you’ve got working JSON 
serialization. What type annotations add is JSON serialization that’s human 
readable/editable, or computer verifiable, or both. You don’t need JSON-LD 
unless you’re not just building APIs, but meta-indexes of APIs or automatic API 
generators or something.
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