On Apr 8, 2020, at 23:53, Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could something just heuristically add del statements with an AST 
> transformation that we could review with source control before committing?
> When the gc pause occurs is something I don't fully understand. For example:

Your examples don’t have anything to do with gc pause.

> FWIW, this segfaults CPython in 2 lines:
> import ctypes
> ctypes.cast(1, ctypes.py_object)

Yes, because this is ultimately trying to print the repr of (PyObject*)1, which 
means calling some function that tries to dereference some member of a struct 
at address 1, which means trying to access an int or pointer or whatever at 
address 1 or 9 or 17 or whatever. On most platforms, those addresses are going 
to be unmapped (and, on some, illegally aligned to boot), so you’ll get a 
segfault. This has nothing to do with the GC, or with Python objects at all.

> Interestingly, this (tends to?) work; even when there are ah scope closures?:
> import ctypes, gc
> x = 22
> _id = id(x)
> del x
> gc.collect()
> y = ctypes.cast(_id, ctypes.py_object).value
> assert y == 22

The gc.collect isn’t doing anything here. 

First, the 22 object, like other small integers and a few other special cases, 
is immortal. Even after you del x, the object is still alive, so of course 
everything works.

Even if you used a normal object that does get deleted, it would get deleted 
immediately when the last reference to the value goes away, in that del x 
statement. The collect isn’t needed and doesn’t do anything relevant here. 
(It’s there to detect reference cycles, like `a.b=b; b.a=a; del a; del b`. 
Assuming a and b were the only references to their objects at the start, a.b 
and b.a are the only references at the end. They won’t be deleted by 
refcounting because there’s still one reference to each, but they are garbage 
because they’re not accessible. The gc.collect is a cycle detector that handles 
exactly this case.)

But your code may well still often work on most platforms. Deleting an object 
rarely unmaps its memory; it just returns that memory to the object allocator’s 
store. Eventually that memory will be reused for another object, but until it 
is, it will often still look like a perfectly valid value if you cheat and look 
at it (as you’re doing). (And even after it’s reused, it will often end up 
getting reused by some object of the same shape, so you won’t crash, you’ll 
just get odd results.)

Anyway, getting off this side track and back to the main point: releasing the 
locals reference to an object that’s no longer being used locally isn’t 
guaranteed to destroy the object—but in CPython, if locals is the only 
reference, the object will be destroyed immediately. That’s why Guido’s 
optimization makes sense.

The only way gc pause is relevant is for other implementations. For example, if 
CPython stops guaranteeing that x is alive until the end of the scope under 
certain conditions, PyPy could decide to do the same thing, and in PyPy, there 
is no refcount; garbage is deleted when it’s detected by the GC. So it wouldn’t 
be deterministic when x goes away, and the question of how much earlier does it 
go away and how much benefit there is becomes more complicated than in CPython. 
But the PyPy guys seem to be really good at figuring out how to test such 
questions empirically.

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