> you'd just add *args and **kwargs to the init signature and call
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs).

> Which is what the OP is after.

Hmm, makes me wonder if there should be an option to define a __pre_init__

Then you could customize the signature, but still use data classes nifty
features for the primary __init__

And no, I haven’t thought this out, it would be tricky, and maybe

Which brings me back to the suggestion in a PR:

Optional have the __init__ accept *args, *kwargs, and then store them in
self. Then users could do whatever they like with them in __post_init


It becomes more painful the more parameters the parent has- parameters
> which the dataclass may not even care about. It not only makes the class
> definition long, it adds so these additional parameters to the init
> signature, which is icky for introspection and discoverability. Lots of
> "What the heck is this parameter doing here?" head scratching for future me
> (because I forget everything).
> There's currently not a very compelling solution, AFAIK, to be able to use
> dataclasses in these kinds of situations ("these kinds" = any situation
> other than the most simple) other than the solution Christopher Barker
> suggested: using a mixin approach that treats the dataclass parameters
> specially. So I just haven't.
> I did write a decorator of my own that replaces the dataclass init with
> one that calls super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) first before proceeding
> with the one written by dataclasses... I can't find it at the moment. But
> that has its own problems; one being the IDE doesn't know the init has been
> rewritten this way and so will complain about parameters sent to the
> dataclass that it doesn't know about.
>> --
Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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