On Fri, May 01, 2020 at 12:28:02PM -0700, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:
> On May 1, 2020, at 09:24, Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Maybe it's too late for this, but I would love it if ".errno or similar" 
> > were more standardized. As it is, every exception may have it's own way to 
> > find out more about exactly what caused it, and often you are left with 
> > parsing the message if you really want to know.
> I don’t think there are many cases where a standardized .errno would help—and 
> I think most such cases would be better served by separate exceptions. With 
> OSError, errno was a problem to be fixed, not an ideal solution to emulate 
> everywhere.
> You do often need to be able to get more information, and that is a problem, 
> but I think it usually needs to be specific to each exception, not something 
> generic.
> Does code often need to distinguish between an unpacking error and an int 
> parsing error? If so, you should be able to handle UnpackingError and 
> IntParsingError, not handle ValueError and check an .errno against some set 
> of dozens of new builtin int constants. If not, then we shouldn’t change 
> anything at all.
> As for parsing the error message, that usually comes up because 
> there’s auxiliary information that you need but that isn’t accessible. 
> For example, in 2.x, to get the filename that failed to open, you had 
> to regex .args[0], and that sucked.

Why would you parse the error message when you already have the 
file name?

         f = open(filename)
    except IOError as err:

I'm trying to think of a case where you might be making a call to open 
but you don't know the filename.

I thought it might be if you pass a file descriptor, but in that case 
the filename attribute seems to be set to None.

> It seems like every year or two, someone suggests that we should go 
> through the stdlib and fix all the exceptions to be reasonably 
> distinguishable and to make their relevant information more 
> accessible, and I don’t think anyone ever has a problem with that, 

I do!

Christopher's proposal of a central registry of error numbers and 
standardised error messages just adds a lot more work to every core 
developer for negligible or zero actual real world benefit.

When I want to raise something in the stdlib, I just raise:

    # let's say I add a kurtosis function
    raise StatisticsError('not enough data points for kurtosis')

Under Christopher's proposal, I have to:

* look up the central registry;
* find the next ID unused number;
* register it to my library and error message;
* use the relevent errno and the same error message in my code:

    # something like this?
    raise StatisticsError('not enough data points for kurtosis', errno=926361)

and while I'm doing that, one of the faster and more productive core 
devs have come along and used that errno before I could merge my patch, 
so now I have to change the errno.

And then if I decide to improve the error message, what now? Do I have 
to register a new errno? What if the error message is variable?

    Expected at least 4 data points, but got 2.

And the benefit of this is ... what? I'd like to see the real-world 
concrete benefit that couldn't be more easily accomplished by using a 
separate try...except around *only* the call to kurtosis:

        k = kurtosis(data)
    except StatisticsError:
        # This can only mean one thing: not enough data.
        k = None

I'm sorry to anyone who likes to use a single try around many 

        xm = mean(ydata)
        ym = mean(ydata)
        xsd = stdev(xdata)
        ysd = stdev(ydata)
    except StatisticsError as err:
        # How do I distinguish which call failed?

but supporting that is not something I'm prepared to do until either I 
need that functionality myself or somebody provides a really compelling 
use-case, not just "it would be cool if..." :-)

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