Hi there!

This request is a close cousin of the recent discussion about optional keywords arguments, which you can find in the archives at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-ideas@python.org/thread/MILIX6HSW3PRUNWWP6BN2G2D7PXYFZJ7/ A lot of the same comments for and against apply here. I'll just cherry-pick a specific point:

On 09/06/2020 14:45, Atsuo Ishimoto wrote:
How about adding similar syntax to Python? Like raw strings, we can
add prefix letters such as '$' to the opening curly brace for the

     d = ${first, last, addr1, addr2, tel='123-456-789'}

Python is not Perl. By that I mean Python in general tends not to use non-alphanumeric symbols unless they already have a well established meaning (such as quote marks, arithmetic operators and so on). "${...}" definitely does not have such a meaning; a newcomer looking at the above would not have a lot of guidance as to what might be going on, and could be forgiven for thinking they were looking at some weird form of set.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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