On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 12:00 AM Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
> I believe this was what Greg Stein's idea here was about. (As well as 
> Jonathan Fine's in this thread?) But the current use of code objects makes 
> this hard. Perhaps the code objects could have a memoryview object to hold 
> the bytecode instead of a bytes object.

memoryview is heavy object.  Using memoryview instead of bytes object
will increase memory usage.
I think lightweight bytes-like object is better.  My rough idea is:

* New code and pyc format
  * pyc has "rodata" segment
    * It can be copied into single memory block, or can be mmapped.
      * co_code should be aligned at least 2 bytes.
  * code.co_code can point to memory block in "rodata".
  * docstring, signature, and lnotab can be lazy load from "rodata".
    * signature is serialized in JSON like format.
  * Allow multiple modules in single file
    * Reduce fileno when using mmap
    * Merge more constants
  * New Python object: PyROData.
    * It is like read-only bytearray.
      * But body may be mmap-ped, instead of malloc-ed
    * code objects owns reference of PyROData.
      * When PyROData is deallocated, it munmap or free "rodata" segment.

Inada Naoki  <songofaca...@gmail.com>
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