On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 9:25 PM Marco Sulla
<marco.sulla.pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2020 at 18:26, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>> Did you study PEP 416 (frozendict) and PEP 603 (frozenmap)?
> Yes. About frozenmap, at the very start I added to the benchmarks also 
> immutables.Map, but I removed it when I realized that it was slower than 
> frozendict in every bench.

Because you didn't benchmark the case that matters for PEP 603:
mutation. E.g. for a regular dict that would be "d1 = d.copy();
d1[key] = new_value", meaning "I need to mutate my dict keeping its
old version intact".

Here's the benchmark results for this operation for PEP 603:
https://github.com/MagicStack/immutables/blob/master/README.rst  (note
that "regular dict" means "d[key] = new_value", i.e. without copying).

> Maybe this is because immutables.Map is a C extension and not a builtin type.

frozenmap implements a fundamentally different data structure, that's
the reason. Its data structure has O(log N) mutations as opposed to
O(n) for a naive frozen dict. All other operations (like lookups)
while also O(1) are slightly slower than Python dict's equivalent

> About PEP 416, yes, I tried to follow it. Indeed hash is calculated using the 
> strategy described in the PEP. I also take a look to frozenset and tuple code.
> Frankly I must admit that the rejection of PEP 416 was a good idea. Indeed I 
> started to implement an immutable dict only for a symmetry reason, and 
> because I am somewhat fascinated by functional programming and immutables, 
> without a rational reason.

If you're fascinated by functional programming then your version of
the frozen dict should support efficient (not "O(n)") mutations.
That's the defining characteristic of hashmaps in languages like
clojure. Otherwise it doesn't take too much to freeze a dict (prohibit
mutations), but such dicts are only useful because they are hashable.
That's the reason why popular libraries like
https://immutable-js.github.io/immutable-js/ implement data structures
similar to PEP 603.

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