On 2020-08-08 at 18:53:36 -0400,
David Mertz <me...@gnosis.cx> wrote:

> ... my discovery was that "LLVM figures out Gauss' simplification and
> does it in constant time no matter the N.  After that I looked at the
> LLVM bytecode to see, "Yup, it does."  The optimizer is pretty smart
> about variations in writing the code in some slightly different ways,
> but I don't know exactly what it would take to fool it into missing
> the optimization.

I was trying to learn something about 80X86 (where X might have been the
empty string) assembly language by examing the output from Microsoft's C
compiler.  It made the same optimization, thus thwarting that particular
effort, and that was probably 35 years ago now.  For small N, it's
really just constant folding, loop unrolling, and peephole
optimizations; these days, "small N" might be a billion or 2**32.

The point isn't that it't not suprising, of course, but that it's not
something new.
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