On Thu, Aug 27, 2020, 00:56 Bruce Leban <br...@leban.us> wrote:

> A bunch of the conversation here is how to handle both positional and
> keyword arguments with a single signature. Let me suggest an alternative.
> At compile time, we know if the call is made with keyword arguments or not.
> a[1]         positional only
> a[b=1]       keyword only
> a[1, b=1]    both
> a[**kwargs]  keyword only
> I suggest that in the first case it calls
>         __getitem__(self, args)
> as it does now and in the other cases it calls
>         __getitemx__(self, args, **kwargs)
> instead (the signature is what matters here, don't bikeshed the name).
> Some people have proposed arbitrary signatures for __getitemx__ but I
> think that's an unnecessary degree of complexity for little benefit.
> Personally, I'm not even sure I'd ever want to mix args and kwargs but
> including that in the signature preserves that possibility for others that
> find it useful.
> To explain further: when I use [...] without positional arguments the
> code works exactly as it does today with all args in a tuple. Therefore,
> for consistency when I add a keyword argument that should not change the
> args value which is why both signatures include a single args parameter.
> If you write a form that uses a keyword argument, and __getitemx__ does
> not exist then it would raise an error other than KeyError (either
> TypeError or AttributeError, with the latter requiring no special handling).
> --- Bruce
 What is the advantage of this over adding keyword arguments to the
existing find dunders?
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