The idea of `decorator_factory` is to eliminate boilerplate code that used to 
create a decorator with parameters.

A perfect example is how `dataclass` decorator can be simplified from this:
def dataclass(cls=None, /, *, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False,
              unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False):
    def wrap(cls):
        return _process_class(cls, init, repr, eq, order, unsafe_hash, frozen)

    # See if we're being called as @dataclass or @dataclass().
    if cls is None:
        # We're called with parens.
        return wrap

    # We're called as @dataclass without parens.
    return wrap(cls)
To this:
def dataclass(cls, /, *, init=True, repr=True, eq=True, order=False,
              unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False):
    return _process_class(cls, init, repr, eq, order, unsafe_hash, frozen)
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