On 2020-12-27 at 19:55:39 -0300,
"Joao S. O. Bueno" <jsbu...@python.org.br> wrote:

> I tried to make clear this should be in addition to that - But yes, I
> failed to mention in my message that I think such a function would
> mostly benefit beginners learning around with "input" and "print" - it
> is painful to suddenly have to tour the students on several other
> concepts just to get a correct user-inputed number. (OTOH, yes, for
> code on this level, one normally won't be concerned if the program
> user will be typing "1.02e2" on the `input` prompt).

OTOH, learning that translating a user-entered string to a floating
point number is not as simple as it sounds is a great lesson.  Please
don't teach beginners that handling user input (let alone floating point
arithmetic) is easy and/or foolproof.  Start with letting the program
fail when the input is invalid, teach them to isolate input validation
into its own function(s), and introduce try/except as one method of
control flow in a validation function.
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