On 2021-02-18 at 18:10:16 +0400,
Abdulla Al Kathiri <alkathiri.abdu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I will be very happy if those versions of Callable and anonymous
> functions exist in Python right now. See how elegant that would look
> like..
> def func(x: int, y: int, f: (int, int) -> int) -> int:
>       return f(x, y) 

Elegant?  I realize that this is a contrived scenario, but even if the
identifiers x, y, and f were meaningful (e.g., account_balance,
socket_descriptor), the signal to noise ratio in that definition makes
me cringe.  And it only gets worse once I'm not dealing with ints.

> print(func(3, 4, (x, y) => x + y)) #Out: 7
> Imagine your mouse is on :func: ‘func’ in VSC or PyCharm and see that
> you need the third parameter to be of type (int, int) -> int, you can
> immediately write an anonymous function that mirrors the structure of
> the annotation but instead of ->, you have =>. Straight forward.

If my IDE is that clever, then it can also type "lambda x, y: " for me
in addition to showing me that signature.

Aside:  And then a thousand developers/engineers/maintainers, auditors,
and testers (not to mention future me) have to read that anonymous
function.  Over and over.  And over.  Unless it's trivial, or simpler,
use a def statement, give it a name and a doc string, test it, and reuse
it.  And if it's that trivial, then trading "lambda" for "->" (or "=>")
doesn't matter.
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