> you talked about builtin *iterables*

My mistake, I reused the terminology used by the original author to make it 
easier to follow.

> The point of iterators like map, zip and filter is to *avoid* performing the 
> computation until it is required.

Of course. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't know why we're bringing up 
these operators in a discussion about comprehensions. And what would a "range" 
comprehension even look like? To me the fact that there's no comprehensions for 
enumerate, filter, map, range, reversed and zip doesn't contribute to making 
dict, list and set exceptional cases.

As I said we're left with bytearray, frozenset and memoryview. These are much 
less frequently used and don't even have a literal form so expecting 
comprehensions for them would be a bit nonsensical. On the other hand strings, 
bytes, lists, dicts and sets all have literal forms but only lists, dicts and 
sets have comprehensions. Three out of five doesn't make them exceptional cases 
so it's only logical to at least consider the idea of adding comprehensions for 
strings (and bytes) too.
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