On 5/14/21 5:12 AM, Martin Teichmann wrote:

> In order to showcase how that would look like, let me give an example session:
>      >>> 5/6-4/15
>      17/30
>      >>> a=22/7
>      >>> f"{a}"
>      '22/7'
>      >>> f"{a:f}"
>      '3.142857'
>      >>> from decimal import Decimal
>      >>> Decimal(1/3)
>      Decimal('0.3333333333333333333333333333')

This looks very interesting! I see some confusion on all sides on what, exactly, you are proposing. As best as I can figure, the rules for your conversions are something like (where .div. is division and .op. is any other operation):

1)  int  .div.  int  --> fraction

2)  int  .op.  fraction  --> fraction

3)  fraction  .op.  non-fraction  --> float

What I am not sure of:

4)  fraction  .op.  fraction  --> ???

5)  fraction  .op.  non-fraction  --> ???

Am I correct on 1-3?  What are you proposing as regards 4 and 5?

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