On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 11:58 PM <yah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering on whether there is any interest in introducing a 
> "plus-minus" operator:
> Conceptually very simple; instead of:
>         upper, lower = a + b, a - b
> use instead:
>         upper, lower = a +- b
> In recent projects I've been working on, I've been having to do the above 
> "plus minus" a lot, and so it would simplify/clean-up/reduce error potential 
> cases where I'm writing the results explicitly.
> It isn't a big thing, but seems like a clean solution, that also takes 
> advantage of python's inherent ability to return and assign tuples.

As an operator, this wouldn't work, since it's ambiguous with adding
negative b to a (ie "a + -b"). But as Paul said, this is perfect for a
very simple function.

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